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About My Blog

Sexy can mean different things to different people. I think its incredibly sexy when a man takes care of his family, and it's equally as sexy when a woman does it! This blog is full of creative and fun ways to take care of your house, your family, and yourself!

I know from experience that it's far to easy to forget about you while caring for everyone else. In the past I've been put down for not having a "real" job. There have been times where I've felt so unappreciated and over worked. How I felt on the inside began to show on the outside, and I did not like what I saw. So I changed! I have my own system now. I no longer feel guilty for needing some "mommy time", and neither should you! Here is how I look at it. If you're on an airplane and it starts to go down. You always put your oxygen mask on first, then you help those around you. You MUST take care of yourself in order to take care of everyone else! Here you will find inspiration on how to do just that! Plus crafty ideas, money saving tips, and much much more!

Enjoy <3

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